Gnollguy,Jul 5 2005, 05:51 PM Wrote:improved disarm (since disarm is about the only special you can do to some of the boss mobs so longer duration is good, that is much more damage removed from the fight as well as stopping MS from mobs than shield block could ever hope for as well).For what it's worth, riposte (a rogue's version of disarm) is the key for Eth to be able to off-tank elite critters even in BRD at level 55. When evasion wears off, but I'm still needed to offtank, riposte (and stuns) for the win and it so helps me to not eat the healer's mana or have the healer focus solely on me. The best is when a mob looks at me just long enough for me to get a riposte in and then it goes back to the tank sans weapon. ;) Being able to disarm and disarm for longer is a great tool.
Intolerant monkey.