Female rapist and murderer released from prison
This is pretty big news up here in Canada.

Karla Homolka was sentenced to 12 years in prison from participating in the rape and murder of 3 teenage girls, one of them being her own sister. The light sentence was a result of a plea bargain for her to testify against her husband/accomplice, Paul Bernardo. It was only after the deal was signed that we all found out was a gigantic psycho Karla Homolka really was.

All of the gruesome details can be read here.

Quote:It was all too good to be true. In 1990, Karla was engaged to a handsome, sophisticated professional accountant with money. It was going to be an incredible wedding: one that her family and friends would never forget.

She loved Paul very much. He was so unique and so very wild in bed. She would do absolutely anything to keep his love — anything at all.

What made this situation a little different than most engagements is that for several years Paul made outrageous demands on Karla — and Karla, just as outrageously, agreed to them.

Paul was very annoyed that Karla was not a virgin when he met her. It was, therefore, from his point of view, her responsibility to make it possible for Paul to take the virginity of Karla's pretty younger sister Tammy without her knowledge or consent. Once Karla accepted that logic, the rest was easy, even the idea of videotaping the whole thing seemed to make sense to her. After all, videotaping was a way to remember important events.

Karla worked in a veterinary clinic so she had a rudimentary knowledge of sedatives used for animals. The trick was figuring out what and how much to use to knock out Tammy so that Paul could rape her. Eventually, she decided on using halothane, an anesthetic which animals inhale before surgery.

Well, her 12 years are up and she was released today. The Canadian courts sure screwed this one up. No one really believed that this young, beautiful girl could have been a willing participant in such a horrible crime.

[Image: karla2iq.jpg]

(Paul Bernardo was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. He also got tagged with the "Dangerous Offender" label, which means he can't ever get out of jail, thank god)

EDIT: Just an edit that there is an upcoming movie about this starring Laura Prepon (Donna from "That 70's Show). Here's the trailer. It makes me feel creepy.

Messages In This Thread
Female rapist and murderer released from prison - by DeeBye - 07-05-2005, 02:25 AM
Female rapist and murderer released from prison - by Guest - 07-09-2005, 02:09 PM
Female rapist and murderer released from prison - by Guest - 07-09-2005, 02:16 PM
Female rapist and murderer released from prison - by Guest - 07-10-2005, 03:38 AM
Female rapist and murderer released from prison - by Guest - 07-10-2005, 11:48 AM

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