07-01-2005, 02:28 PM
oldmandennis,Jul 1 2005, 09:00 AM Wrote:Well, on Shadowsong(PvE), I don't think I've been hit on yet in 13 levels. On Kel'thuzud, I have a lvl 20 priestess, and haven't gotten any attention I couldn't ascribe to being a priestess. I also have a female mule, no hits. It's never been as bad as it was on Cenarion Circle, but like I said the terrible 20 were down, and I think the crowd in the n00b areas were feeling goofy because of it.I still consider you lucky. On Stormrage (PvE), it's almost every play session unless I avoid towns completely, stay in instances and/or just avoid all strangers. While watching duels outside of Ironforge, my dwarf got measured up for proper head height for oral sex. My night elves, despite no dancing, no flirts, no jokes and trying hard to dress tastefully, get whispered and hit on when other NE's standing right next to me don't get a whisper. The gnomes generally get /spit on and the oral sex comments too in addition to every rude thing people can think of. My one human doesn't get too many comments, but she also hasn't been played lately. Consider yourself darned lucky you aren't harrassed every play session on your servers.
Intolerant monkey.