Bob the Beholder,Jun 28 2005, 09:00 PM Wrote:As it is now, I suppose, I'll try to win my friends over to the PvP servers, or just console myself in that I already have a high level PvP character. :(Â
I've seen a lot of posts from very unhappy players who have followed friends on to the pvp servers when they have no interest in pvping
I'd suggest you
1) talk to them, explain ganking and explain both the buzz and the persistent corpse camping and graveyard camping. Basically, if you see it as a challenge to rise to pvp servers are more fun, but if you see it as distressing interference from griefers then pvp servers are much worse than pve servers. Find out if they're prepared to be predators
2) if they clearly aren't going to be pvpers then they need to play on pve servers regardless of what suits you. Either make a pve alt and play with them at their pace while playing your pvp main when your presumably less addicted friends are offline or let them go their seperate ways but assure them you'll be glad to see them on your server if ever they decide to play pvp WoW
Depends partly what their background is. To the Quake/Halflife crowd it seems to me that they see PvE WoW as a slightly more elaborate version of picking up ammo clips, medpacks and other power-ups before you go fragging. To the Morrowind/Everquest crowd pvp in WoW can seem like legitimised griefing
Good luck, hope it works out well