Treesh,Jun 28 2005, 09:16 PM Wrote:I've got to agree with Quark here. If I wait even just two seconds into the fight before ambushing, I generally won't take aggro from the warrior. Now, blade flurry + slice and dice with my sword will pull aggro to me a lot of the times which is part of why I don't use it in dungeons unless a group of non-elite things go to the druid healer. Then you bet I throw on blade flurry, slice and dice and then hit evasion. If there's a third one, it gets blinded for a bit. Since they're non-elites, they are either dead by the time evasion wears off or else the main target has gone down so the tank (or a real offtank) can get things off of me. But I keep the druid safe and able to heal everyone else.
But honestly, opening with ambush does not make a rogue a bad rogue. There aren't a whole lot of other openers from stealth and the smart rogue knows how to use ambush and feint (when necessary). There are rare cases such as way too many crits right in a row, but that's an exception and not the norm.
Treesh and Quark, both of you....I said *open* with Ambush, and really meant hit the mob with Ambush before I hit the mob. Now, neither of you is going to do that, usually, are you? At least on an elite one? No? (see my comment about non-elites below) Then there's no issue. I said 'the dumb ones'. Meaning the ones who tee off on the mob immediately, with no thought to the warrior getting aggro. The mage who pyroblasts one before I touch it is the same manner of problem.
And, Quark, yes, there are always exceptions on the 'let me die' rule, too, but, surprisingly the groups I've played with are disciplined enough to let the rogue die and rez her/him in the situations it would cause a wipe, and the rogue was smart enough to know the difference.
Also, non-elite mobs, mixed with the elites? I rarely worry about those as MT. Rarely do I have to. The off-tanks/mages/rogues clean them up while I thoroughly piss off the elite(s). Rogues are free to hit them as hard as they like. Non-elite trash mobs are perfect for rogues high damage to clean up, especially if softened up by AOE from mages/warlocks. I only worry about non-elites *if* they become too much of a problem to a group member, or the elites are dead. :D