Divine Shield
Concillian,Jun 28 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:Yet another 'I give up without even trying scenario'  I haven't played my paladin much, but I can look at the mana efficiency and yep, Paladins are right on a par with everyone else on mana efficiency and not far behind on healed per second

Your real heal is 2.5 seconds, but that IS doable as a secondary healer. 

- The best holy talents for healing are all within the first three tiers, so you can easily get other useful talents[right][snapback]81892[/snapback][/right]

Have you compared base mana pools for paladins versus the other healing classes?

Concillian,Jun 28 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:- going INT/STAM like a proper healer plays BIG TIME into your strength... being hard to kill.  As does making your heals more effective.  I come up against paladins in BG that have enough mana for like two or three heals and that's it and I'm always totally confused.  INT is tremendously important as a pally, it's like 3 health for every mana.  [right][snapback]81892[/snapback][/right]

The issue with that is that for most capped paladins INT and STAM on plate was very hard to come by for quite some time now. Its gotten much better than it used to be, especially with the addition of Lightforge but it used to be ugly. And finding intellect on mail and shields? Was very difficult pre 40 (seem to find more of it post 40 for some reason ;)) But yes as I have had this conversation with many a young paladin who builds gear for str/stam that INT and STAM is really the only way to go. (INT/SPR may also be viable but I haven't played much with it. Perhaps on the test server)

Concillian,Jun 28 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:- spiritual focus + concentration makes you the ONLY healing class to never lose casting time, which partially offsets your time to heal, again this plays to your strength of being virtually impossible to take down.  It also lets you heal yourself WHILE you tank or PvP, something I think is infinitely more valuable than having like 0.5% more DR or whatever piddly amount paladins have with the aura they tend to insist on using.  This also means you can bandage while you bubble so you can regen mana during that time, rather than heal, because you don't HAVE to be bubbled to heal.  [right][snapback]81892[/snapback][/right]

Provided you're not facing a rogue with kick. I do find it useful however to heal at 80% to let the rogue burn his kick on me and then switch to concentration and heal uninterrupted when the kick has passed. :) Most paladins don't bother to switch their auras around in combat/PVP but I find I am more effective if I add that into my skill juggle. :D

Concillian,Jun 28 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:Pallys make good healers, you just haven't tried.  The best thing is, that it fits into whatever else they want to do, as there are fewer than 20 talent points required to be pretty decent.  Really 14 points can make a pretty good pally healer.  INT/STAM makes sense anyway for a pally, concentration + spiritual focus rocks for a tanking pally and PvP pally[right][snapback]81892[/snapback][/right]

I must honestly state that I haven't played much with Spiritual focus but I don't think Paladins will ever be good main healers like a healing specc'd druid. Our lack of a heal over time means we spend even more time being a expectant healer than even druids do.

Concillian,Jun 28 2005, 01:33 PM Wrote:Also in PvP, using blessing of light or blessing of wisdom plays more to your strength of 'outlast the opponent' than the amount of damage that blessing of might offers.  Especially if you are healing others (something that seems quite rare, and usually I'm  horde, so that makes me happy).  I know I haven't played a paladin much, but I know which types of paladins I dread coming across most, and it generally isn't the kind who think they can beat me down with their uber-DPS.  It's the kind that heal their teammates, and 1 on 1 take 3 minutes to kill because they have 9 lives and 5000 mana.

A little hint that a lot of paladins don't seem to understand. Judging seal of light or mana in conjunction with blessing of light and wisdom goes far more towards your surviveability as a paladin. This is how many paladins are able to solo even-con elites or even take on 3 to 4 opponents and string together multiple fights without stop.

Messages In This Thread
Divine Shield - by Arnulf - 06-27-2005, 09:36 AM
Divine Shield - by Brista - 06-27-2005, 02:47 PM
Divine Shield - by oldmandennis - 06-27-2005, 05:34 PM
Divine Shield - by Concillian - 06-28-2005, 05:33 PM
Divine Shield - by MongoJerry - 06-29-2005, 01:21 AM
Divine Shield - by Warlock - 06-29-2005, 03:16 AM
Divine Shield - by Arnulf - 06-29-2005, 11:48 AM
Divine Shield - by Tal - 06-29-2005, 01:08 PM

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