06-28-2005, 04:02 PM
First off, I'd say that you are probably wrong. Poor players choose all classes. The difference is that some classes accentuate errors of commission, and some mask errors of omission. For instance, a priest that over heals and takes aggro, or is unable to heal the main tank due to going oom casting offensive spells. I don't take issue with a shadow specc'd priest who makes it clear that they are not the designated healer, but if you are the designated healer and you run out of mana because of offense then that is a problem.
Good players still make mistakes, but good players also learn and are quick to react to their tactical environment and try to adapt.
I can speak best regarding;
Group play is very different from solo play. Our utility is in a bunch of little tricks, like traps, tracking, flare, and some intangibles. For instance, I can poor on damage and if a sequence of crits breaks aggro away from the MT, I can FD removing myself from the hate list, jump up and continue to poor on the damage.
Or, use freeze traps strategically for crowd control, for example, in a Maraudon run we had to pull multiple elite stone golems, by keeping the pets passive the two hunters in the group could lay freeze traps in line to serially trap one of the golems, and even feign death, and reapply the CC if needed.
Just like a rogue, we are strongest when we are applied against targeted mobs, and weakest when 200 bugs come rushing the main tank.
Good players still make mistakes, but good players also learn and are quick to react to their tactical environment and try to adapt.
I can speak best regarding;
Quote:Hunters there are alot of, relative to their utility. Still, it doesn't seem like they have an exceptionally complex roll in groups, and not super different then their roll in solo play.Harumph. It is good that you try to equally alienate everyone.
Group play is very different from solo play. Our utility is in a bunch of little tricks, like traps, tracking, flare, and some intangibles. For instance, I can poor on damage and if a sequence of crits breaks aggro away from the MT, I can FD removing myself from the hate list, jump up and continue to poor on the damage.
Or, use freeze traps strategically for crowd control, for example, in a Maraudon run we had to pull multiple elite stone golems, by keeping the pets passive the two hunters in the group could lay freeze traps in line to serially trap one of the golems, and even feign death, and reapply the CC if needed.
Just like a rogue, we are strongest when we are applied against targeted mobs, and weakest when 200 bugs come rushing the main tank.