The Dilemma!
Bob the Beholder,Jun 28 2005, 03:11 AM Wrote:Will the controlled fighting of the PvE servers offer the same rewarding experience as the uncontrolled in the PvP servers? 

Nope. I've never really been involved in any PvP to speak of, but this past weekend was involved in several 2v2 and 3v2 fights while questing in Ashenvale. Even level fights, high levels nearby so you had to keep your head down while flagged. I had so much fun I really wish I was playing on a PvP server (well, I am on Tich but haven't got very far). But this kind of situation is rare in PvE.

The best way to get some action is to just run around flagged. The problem is it's unlikely people will fight you unless you have no chance to win (either level or number).

On PvE, Battlegrounds has removed even what little open PvP there was (at least on Terenas). Even the zergfests at XR or TM are not nearly as common.

Messages In This Thread
The Dilemma! - by Bob the Beholder - 06-28-2005, 10:11 AM
The Dilemma! - by Bolty - 06-28-2005, 11:59 AM
The Dilemma! - by vor_lord - 06-28-2005, 02:34 PM
The Dilemma! - by Bob the Beholder - 06-28-2005, 08:00 PM
The Dilemma! - by oldmandennis - 06-28-2005, 09:22 PM
The Dilemma! - by Brista - 06-30-2005, 09:11 AM

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