Shopping tips
hmmm, in all my years of gaming, i havent come faster than a vicious lbb of swiftness, which handles h/h nicely since clvl 35 and up (note that it's standard legit, thus drank a number of dex pots) the vicious doesnt matter much, and i think isnt needed. note that i'd guess youre best chances are in normal caves since swiftness is droppable up from mlvl 10 and lwb's start at 19 (lbb at 11) so i'd search between overlords and obsidian lords. (or indeed shop, but that has to do with clvl, and you might've surpassed the 11 as low range already)
Characters: Standard Diablo Rogues: 'Paardenpoep' l36, 'Purechocolade' l31; Sorcerers 'Toverkol' l40, 'Zwarte Piet' l32, 'ZureHaring' l28 (no fb), Warrior 'Klotebeest' l29, LoL characters: rogues 'Roggebrood' l26 and 'Ironvrouw' l7, sorcerer ToverLol l20, warrior LolleBolleGijs l16 ironman character name 'Ironlady', read Toverlol's journey log

Messages In This Thread
Shopping tips - by Harlequin - 06-26-2005, 03:48 PM
Shopping tips - by Thecla - 06-27-2005, 08:16 AM
Shopping tips - by Selby - 06-28-2005, 12:58 AM
Shopping tips - by Toverkol - 06-28-2005, 08:01 AM
Shopping tips - by Harlequin - 06-28-2005, 11:07 AM

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