06-07-2005, 03:23 PM
Darian,Jun 7 2005, 09:59 AM Wrote:I think you might be misunderstanding what I mean by "skipping content" here. For the record, any place in the breakdowns where I'm saying "skip these mobs," it's completely safe to skip, and arguably it's part of the actual design.
(And I'll point out that I have not suggested things like jumping off the bridge in Scholomance and bypassing the mobs in the first three rooms; although that is "doable," it doesn't fit in with the design of the instance. No matter what, when you do Scholo, you're expected to clear those rooms to get to the path you intend to take in the end.)[right][snapback]79958[/snapback][/right]
My comment was more of a general one than directed specifically towards what you posted. Sorry for causing that confusion. It's more based on the DM Tribute runs I've been attempting lately where "hug this wall and skip all these mobs even though we don't run the risk of aggroing a guard if we do stop to kill this group" is the usual tactic. Again, I should have been clearer on that, but I was in rant mode. ;)
Darian,Jun 7 2005, 09:59 AM Wrote:Now, if your vision of "doing an instance" is to do the whole thing no matter what (which IS a perfectly valid vision, so I'd certainly never criticize it), then this is no good to you at all, as it totally defeats what makes doing an instance fun for you. But if it's merely a matter of wanting to experience everything and not having enough time to bite off these big chunks, then it's helpful. And... it may be goofy, but I posted these breakdowns because every time I see one of you post that you're leaving the game or getting discouraged because the end-game is too time-consuming or frustrating, my heart breaks a little bit, even if I don't normally play with you.That was one of the things I enjoyed about the pre-60 instances, even the really big ones. I like doing full clears. It was a habit I picked up from D1 and Hellfire and carried it all the way through D2 and LoD and it stuck with me in WoW a bit as well. It's been mostly beaten out of me for WoW by now (at least in regards to having one character do it all for one faction), but it's still in the back of my head to map everything and do full clears and that just isn't possible in the end instances and do it in a reasonable amount of time. Add in that frequently I just cannot sit in my chair for long periods of time before there is massive physical discomfort (some days it's not even 15 minutes before I have to stand) and these end instances get even worse. Of course, thanks to my desk being rather tall, I can stand and still be reasonably effective in a group. ;) I do have a tendency to hit more wrong keys when I'm standing, but at least I don't have to make everyone wait for me before moving on. :D
Intolerant monkey.