06-06-2005, 03:58 PM
Lady Vashj,Jun 6 2005, 09:46 AM Wrote:Granted. They call up their buddies in Pakistan to tell them about the perfect opportunity to try out their new missiles.
You can't shoot that straight. I promise you.
I wish that all of my friends were not having a fun, fulfilling summer vacation. I wish that at least one of them was taking summer classes too. I feel so lonely...
EDIT: Umm...dude. Occhi. How was your corruption bad? If sub-Saharan Africa starts emerging from its perennial debt, that sounds like one of the best things that could possibly happen to the world. Over and above a cure for cancer. AIDS would be a different story.
Oh, the dead camels and lizards was a bad thing, and Wolfowitz still going to World Bank was bad.
Also, I don't need to shoot that straight, as the Pakistani missiles can't reach US. Your "bad" bad becomes Pakistan and India start a nuclear war on the subcontinent. Could make it tough to get 1-800 help desk info on MS products . . .
In any case, that nuclear war sounds entertaining, if highly lethal and a bane to Hindi as a whole. Embedded reporters (please go, Geraldo and Christiana) will get atomized, so no shills on Sky, CNN, and Fox to fight the ratings war with Ground Zero Reports.
Mix nuclear weapons with centuries of ethnic-cultural hatred, and you get some real entertainment, per George Carlin. :P
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete