Can we get a "Sticky" thread to post Professions?
Gnollguy,May 31 2005, 12:32 PM Wrote:But I started thinking to myself, yeah I could use the carpe arnum website stuff.  Then I thought to myself that I'd probably start spending more time at that site and hey they are good people, heck I've been playing with several of them anyway for quite some time.  Heck they contribute at the lounge too but since I'm using their resources why don't I just join their guild, it's just easier for me to track my stuff that way.[right][snapback]79036[/snapback][/right]

EEEP! I wasn't even thinking about opening a can of worms here... :blush:

That's a valid point, to be sure. And as you note, no ulterior motives; in fact, one thing I had Kalamere do a few weeks ago was to include a "guild" field in the character info specifically so that our friends who aren't in Carpe Aurum would be able to utilize the tools without feeling like they have to be IN Carpe Aurum to do so. Initially, it was just going to be for us, but to me it seems much more efficient to make the tools available to folks we interact with on a regular basis.

As far as people drifting away from the Lounge... hell, I'm the guild leader for CA, and I spend probably ten times as much ...err, time here as I do on my own boards, mostly because our boards are boring, and that in turn is because a lot of our folks don't tend to be posty types. (Quite a few CA members read here, but don't post.) I don't see it happening, and I hope I'm right.

Quote:I just feel this crossroads we are at, and while I don't think anything heralds the "death of the Lurker Lounge WoW content" this group will choose some path to follow that will shape the future of the site one way or another.

I'm not so sure about that. Shape the future of the Lurkers guild on Stormrage? Possibly, even probably. But the Lounge itself is something more than that.
Darian Redwin - just some dude now

Messages In This Thread
Can we get a "Sticky" thread to post Professions? - by Darian - 05-31-2005, 04:56 PM

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