9 Days after my "Should I?" post...
Catlyn,May 27 2005, 02:27 PM Wrote:The only other Schematic I really want is Schematic: Sniper Scope, and if any of you find it, I'll buy if from you. :)

Not sure we should be discussing such things here but Fafner has a copy of the Sniper Scope schematic that she would part with for 75g, which is what she paid in the auction house for one before she found one herself in Tanaris.

None of my characters have the alarm bot or the repair bot, and we need to get those too. I hear there is a really neat shield schematic that drops in MC.

Meanwhile I have been playing my hunter, Woad, who is an engineer (of course) and skinner, having switched from alchemy. Her present goal is to collect the Defias set.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

Messages In This Thread
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by Catlyn - 05-27-2005, 06:27 PM
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by lfd - 05-27-2005, 11:59 PM
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by Catlyn - 05-28-2005, 01:12 PM
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by lfd - 05-28-2005, 03:17 PM
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by LavCat - 05-28-2005, 11:22 PM
9 Days after my "Should I?" post... - by Brista - 05-29-2005, 01:13 AM

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