Arena.nets new game revealed
Wow, it looks to be a very interesting game.

I have read the description (game info, faq) on ArenaNet and the preview at gamespot, and I must say that I'm quite impressed ! Here are my two cents :

INGREDIENTS : The following text might contain spoilers !

This game tries to implement all the fun part of MMORPG without keeping the boring and frustating parts. I especially love the fact that you can click on the map to get somewhere instead of having to walk, take a horse, ride a boat or beg for a teleport. Having to wait for 5-10 minutes for a boat then about 10 minutes to get to the other side of an ocean is the reason I quit EQ. :angry:

The quest system seems to be great too. Dynamic missions are fun, but they better not be repetitive as in AO. I hope they are varied and made so it's not difficult to get friends to join you (key copying and distributing them one by one could be tedious). Having to choose between 8 of all your learned skills before going in a mission allow a lot of roles and playstyle for one single build !

Skills that actually required some thinking before you use them is nice (the part in the preview about skills that act a little like M:TG). A few hundred of skills seems great but I hope they can balance (utopia ?) them. By utopia I am not saying they can't achieve this, I means that I don't think balance can be achieved in those kind of games. At least, they have a streaming technology that lets them update and patch easily, so we won't (might ? ) not have to wait for a year for a 1.10 patch ;)

Having to go through a "tutorial" that lets you play with different skills of all professions (classes) seems like a great idea. Then you choose the profession you like must. But the process can be long and boring if you have to do this for every new characters. Having to level to clvl 5 in DaoC or getting to the end of the tutorial in AC2 is not fun once you are an experienced player. I just hope it will be skippable (is that even a word ? ).

Graphics are ok but not awesome, but it's not whats important. Gameplay is the name of the game and should be for every game in my humble opinion.

Even though the preview talked about combat, I still don't know if the combat is action-oriented (Diablo) or tick-tick-tick-oriented (for lack of a better word, it means like in DaoC, EQ, AC, etc.)

I am really looking forward to this game and how it will evolve. I has a lot of potential but it is still really soon in development... well, I'm just enthousiast even though not much is known! The fact that I don't have to pay to play is great (especially since I'm paid in canadian pesos, but hey... thats where I live). And any game that has necromancers that can use a corpse explosion skill has to be good !


P.S. I am a long time lurker, but it is my first post ! I just love your forums Bolty !

Messages In This Thread
Arena.nets new game revealed - by bschultz - 03-07-2003, 03:52 AM
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Arena.nets new game revealed - by Occhidiangela - 05-22-2003, 04:26 PM
Arena.nets new game revealed - by Mithrandir - 05-22-2003, 06:42 PM

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