05-24-2005, 02:13 PM
Toverkol,May 24 2005, 01:50 PM Wrote:Another point i'd like to bring up, if the ilvl is only for base items and the mlvl for the available suffixes, then you'd never find any 'of slaughter' items since it has a qlvl of 60, which i'd sya is only reachable on hell mlvl30 monsters or?
Another thing is how to find books of teleport, their ilvl seems connected to the dungeon lvl but i wonder if the difficulty is added up here, because as such you'd be able to find them on bookcases everywhere in higher difficulties (qlvl 14).
If this doesnt happen it could only drop from monsters dlvl14 and mlvl14 and up, is that the case?
I don't normally quote documents at people, on the theory that they've already read it and still have a question. However, in this case, the section below addresses your first question perfectly: no, you cannot get "of slaughter" from any dungeon beast.
Quote:Restrictions in the dungeon-- page 54 of 172, Jarulf's Guide PDF v1.62
As explained in chapter 3.8, prefixes and suffixes are assigned to items based on a monsters unmodified mlvl. This means that no prefix or suffix with a qlvl higher than 30 (34 when a unique monster drops it as they have a +4 bonus) can be found in the dungeons, except from Diablo and Na-Krul in Hellfire, which have a maximum limit of 45 and 44. This rules out quite a few of the best prefixes and suffixes such as a godly plate of whale, even if they would be possible according to what was said above under occurrences and level differences. Similarly, items from non monsters have a limit of 30 in Diablo and 34 in Hellfire (2·dlvl). Note, this is true for any version of Diablo, even 1.00. Wirt (but not Griswold) can still sell those prefixes and suffixes impossible to find in the dungeons
The one reference to book generation I found while searching indicates that bookcases do not take difficulty into account. A more thorough reading is recommended if you're really curious.