05-23-2005, 02:23 PM
Hi i;m an experienced Diablo player, and i;ve just been mulling to Jarulf's Guide again, in the Item creation section, chapter 3.
I want to know if i understood this correctly, in how to create an item.
The idea is that i for instance want to know from which monsters and up i will be able to find a certain item. (let's for instance take an Awesome Tower Shield of the Tiger)
If i'm correct there are several values that matter to item creation for a monster,
first the mlvl, which is the level of a monster as described in chapter 5 of the guide. altered by +15 for nightmare and +30 for hell difficulty.
second there's qlvl, a value for each base item, suffix, unique, etc.
Now if i understand things correctly when you beat a monster, there's a certain chance for it to drop a magical item (10.7%=item, of which (11+0.89*(ilvl+1)) is magical, (with ilvl in this case being the mlvl, because it's a monster), of which 84% is not unique, of which 16.7% has both a pre and suffix.)
If this monster is one of those to drop a magical pre&suffix item, the base item, prefix and suffix will be chosen from a range of mlvl/2 - mlvl of the monster (with +4 for bosses) (thus a mlvl 28 monster would drop any qlvl between 14-28).
Anything that can be dropped as such, should have a qlvl lower or equal to the mlvl of the monster it drops from.
In my example an Awesome Tower Shield of the Tiger, the Awesome has qlvl 28, the Tower Shield qlvl 20 and the Tiger qlvl 21.
Am i correct then that this item can drop from any monster of mlvl 28 and up (thus a Steel Lord, Blood Knight, Cabalist, Advocate, Hell Spawn or Soul Burner on normal, anything from mlvl 13 (familiar) and up on nightmare, and any monster on hell difficulty)?
Or should i add up all qlvl of the item for a total of qlvl 69, and as such not droppable (since the highest mlvl is Lazarus on Hell, 65) by monsters?
In the same vein, if i look for a Full Plate (qlvl 25), do i simply need to bash some Stone Clans on nm (mlvl 10) or anything on hell difficulty?
I'm not sure, but i think i've never seen a FPM drop on the 2nd dungeon level of Hell difficulty. Am i wrong on this?
If i deducted things from Jarulfs guide correctly, i understand that items dropped are always in a range of mlvl/2 to mlvl. So a normal Magma Demon will drop between 6 and 13, a hell succubus will drop between 27 and 54, etc.
Is this correct? and what items will the succubus be able to drop, since it's low value is 27, which is higher than the qlvl of the highest base item.
Furthermore, i understand correctly that i should search for an item at the first monster that can drop it. for instance if i want a qlvl13 item, i should look for mlvl13 monsters, since they have a range of 6-13, while a mlvl16 monster would have a range of 8-16. (including the 13, but with less chance of actually 'rolling' it)
As such for the example Awes TS of Tiger i should search for it with mlvl 28 monsters, since that's the smallest domain in which it can appear?
If this whole lot is incorrect i'd like to know how to find out which places a certain base item or affix can be found.
Did i also understand correctly that for droppings of uniques there is no range of what drops, it's simply the mlvl? (and the luck of getting a unique item)
I'm also interested in that low range of items, since it seems very well possible to
drop a qlvl item of less then half of the mlvl, especially on NM and Hell difficulty.
Something else i'd find interesting is how to calculate the occurence of a certain prefix, as has been done in the guide for uniques?
(this should be something like NumberofMonsters*(0.107*(11+0.89*(averageMlvl+1))*0.84*wantedNoaffixes)/DropRangeAverageMonster ?)
(for monsters only that is)
for instance, on dlvl 14, average mlvl is around 26 for normal, what would mean
(185 average monsters as by Jarulf guide) (i want a pre&suffix item)
7.48% of the monsters will drop a magical item with a pre and suffix of qlvl 13-26?
and as such a Tower Shield (with 2 affixes) drop will be 1/13th of those (qlvl 20 rolled between 13 adn 26) being 0.575 % of the monsters. it being Saintly (24) and Tiger (21) would be another 1/13 and 1/13, becoming 0.0034 % of your monsters on dlvl14 will drop a Saintly Tower Shield of the Tiger on normal?
(as such finding a Saintly Tower Shield of the Tiger would happen 1 in 29361 games, when clearing dlvl14 of monsters on normal difficulty?)
hope anyone can clear this somewhat up for me ;)
I want to know if i understood this correctly, in how to create an item.
The idea is that i for instance want to know from which monsters and up i will be able to find a certain item. (let's for instance take an Awesome Tower Shield of the Tiger)
If i'm correct there are several values that matter to item creation for a monster,
first the mlvl, which is the level of a monster as described in chapter 5 of the guide. altered by +15 for nightmare and +30 for hell difficulty.
second there's qlvl, a value for each base item, suffix, unique, etc.
Now if i understand things correctly when you beat a monster, there's a certain chance for it to drop a magical item (10.7%=item, of which (11+0.89*(ilvl+1)) is magical, (with ilvl in this case being the mlvl, because it's a monster), of which 84% is not unique, of which 16.7% has both a pre and suffix.)
If this monster is one of those to drop a magical pre&suffix item, the base item, prefix and suffix will be chosen from a range of mlvl/2 - mlvl of the monster (with +4 for bosses) (thus a mlvl 28 monster would drop any qlvl between 14-28).
Anything that can be dropped as such, should have a qlvl lower or equal to the mlvl of the monster it drops from.
In my example an Awesome Tower Shield of the Tiger, the Awesome has qlvl 28, the Tower Shield qlvl 20 and the Tiger qlvl 21.
Am i correct then that this item can drop from any monster of mlvl 28 and up (thus a Steel Lord, Blood Knight, Cabalist, Advocate, Hell Spawn or Soul Burner on normal, anything from mlvl 13 (familiar) and up on nightmare, and any monster on hell difficulty)?
Or should i add up all qlvl of the item for a total of qlvl 69, and as such not droppable (since the highest mlvl is Lazarus on Hell, 65) by monsters?
In the same vein, if i look for a Full Plate (qlvl 25), do i simply need to bash some Stone Clans on nm (mlvl 10) or anything on hell difficulty?
I'm not sure, but i think i've never seen a FPM drop on the 2nd dungeon level of Hell difficulty. Am i wrong on this?
If i deducted things from Jarulfs guide correctly, i understand that items dropped are always in a range of mlvl/2 to mlvl. So a normal Magma Demon will drop between 6 and 13, a hell succubus will drop between 27 and 54, etc.
Is this correct? and what items will the succubus be able to drop, since it's low value is 27, which is higher than the qlvl of the highest base item.
Furthermore, i understand correctly that i should search for an item at the first monster that can drop it. for instance if i want a qlvl13 item, i should look for mlvl13 monsters, since they have a range of 6-13, while a mlvl16 monster would have a range of 8-16. (including the 13, but with less chance of actually 'rolling' it)
As such for the example Awes TS of Tiger i should search for it with mlvl 28 monsters, since that's the smallest domain in which it can appear?
If this whole lot is incorrect i'd like to know how to find out which places a certain base item or affix can be found.
Did i also understand correctly that for droppings of uniques there is no range of what drops, it's simply the mlvl? (and the luck of getting a unique item)
I'm also interested in that low range of items, since it seems very well possible to
drop a qlvl item of less then half of the mlvl, especially on NM and Hell difficulty.
Something else i'd find interesting is how to calculate the occurence of a certain prefix, as has been done in the guide for uniques?
(this should be something like NumberofMonsters*(0.107*(11+0.89*(averageMlvl+1))*0.84*wantedNoaffixes)/DropRangeAverageMonster ?)
(for monsters only that is)
for instance, on dlvl 14, average mlvl is around 26 for normal, what would mean
(185 average monsters as by Jarulf guide) (i want a pre&suffix item)
7.48% of the monsters will drop a magical item with a pre and suffix of qlvl 13-26?
and as such a Tower Shield (with 2 affixes) drop will be 1/13th of those (qlvl 20 rolled between 13 adn 26) being 0.575 % of the monsters. it being Saintly (24) and Tiger (21) would be another 1/13 and 1/13, becoming 0.0034 % of your monsters on dlvl14 will drop a Saintly Tower Shield of the Tiger on normal?
(as such finding a Saintly Tower Shield of the Tiger would happen 1 in 29361 games, when clearing dlvl14 of monsters on normal difficulty?)
hope anyone can clear this somewhat up for me ;)
Characters: Standard Diablo Rogues: 'Paardenpoep' l36, 'Purechocolade' l31; Sorcerers 'Toverkol' l40, 'Zwarte Piet' l32, 'ZureHaring' l28 (no fb), Warrior 'Klotebeest' l29, LoL characters: rogues 'Roggebrood' l26 and 'Ironvrouw' l7, sorcerer ToverLol l20, warrior LolleBolleGijs l16 ironman character name 'Ironlady', read Toverlol's journey log