Voluntary Principles
JapJaan,May 15 2005, 12:02 AM Wrote:1. Guild bank - I previously proposed this and it was met with strong disfavor, but I think that might have been due to my error in describing the idea.  Keep in mind that everything is voluntary.  What I am basically suggesting is a take a penny, leave a penny system.  In other words, it should be voluntary deposit and withdraw and no one should have expectations for it other than good faith behavior among us.  Equipment is very important in WoW for some characters and a guild bank can really help if done right.  Some degree of selflessness and sacrifice would be required.  For example, the blue rifle that you found might be more useful to someone's primary character than to your alt.  Or that green that marginally improves your equipment might be a meaningful upgrade for someone else.

Until Blizzard implements a guild bank system or guild housing I will have to continue to say no to this suggestion. Just one of the problems is that of time required of the person acting as the bank. What if you are on opposite times from the person acting as the bank? What if the person acting as bank drops out due to RL issues for a few weeks at an inopportune moment? I won't even go into the can o' worms that sharing account name and password create.

JapJaan,May 15 2005, 12:02 AM Wrote:2. Targeted questing - We should give priority to helping each other finish certain quests due to the rewards.  It is not an efficient use of time to help someone hunt tigers in STV.  On the other hand, we should always try to help people complete the Deadmines, or the Uldaman necklace quest, or the Big Game Hunter quest in STV, or the Crone of the Kraul quest in Razorfen Kraul, etc. because those quests result in equipment that significantly boosts the power of certain characters.

I agree to an extent with this but also would prefer that Lurkers also group together even for quests such as the tigers in STV. The more we get to know each others play styles, the stronger we will be in end game.

JapJaan,May 15 2005, 12:02 AM Wrote:4. Play choices - It might be the case that you would rather play your new alt than your level 60 character, but all of us should start to think of our time more altruistically.  A decision to forego playing the alt on any given night might mean that a group of 60s can run for equipment.  Similarly, you might be dying to level your hunter or rogue.  However, you would be doing everyone a favor by leveling a priest or developing a tank.  I think that for larger groups/raids situations, Lurkers can make up for our small size and inability to coordinate by always having healers and tanks available.  Other dps oriented classes can be more easily filled in by on the spot recruiting from Basiners, etc.

This I disagree with completely - the Lurkers on Stormrage are first and foremost about people having fun. I love playing Sharanna but there are times I feel like playing the more resilient and dps heavy Shalandrax or cutting loose with my mage Tal sheeping sheep in Elwynn. Or going heavy dps monkey with Jacktheskell and I simply refuse to give up that freedom of choice.

Messages In This Thread
Voluntary Principles - by JapJaan - 05-15-2005, 04:02 AM
Voluntary Principles - by lfd - 05-15-2005, 10:08 AM
Voluntary Principles - by Tal - 05-16-2005, 03:25 PM
Voluntary Principles - by savaughn - 05-16-2005, 06:01 PM

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