Treesh,Apr 20 2005, 09:36 PM Wrote:If you are an off-tank, make sure to stay on the same side of the critter as the main tank so if you do happen to take aggro, you aren't screwing over your backstabbing/ambushing rogue.Minor nit to myself here (I missed fixing this bit the first couple of reads and Roland bumping this brought it to my attention). If you are an off-tank, you don't have to be on the same side as the tank, but stand at most 90 degrees relative to the tank. If you stand 90 degrees from the tank, the tank will be able to see if he's lost aggro on some critter to you because the critter will visibly turn and the rogue will still be able to get into position for backstabs easily. Yes, if something aggros on the offtank instead of the tank it's not that bad, but a lot of tanks really like to know exactly what is stuck to them and what isn't. So standing directly next to the tank isn't the best, but try to not go farther than 90 degrees to help out your rogues too.
Edit: I also added a note about tanks and the pulls to the main post that I forgot to put in before as well.
Intolerant monkey.