Warlock Talent Guide
Interesting. I'm not far along enough with my Warlock to really have formed strong opinions, though the descriptions of how some talents actually work (or don't, so to speak) is making me think about my build.

I'm more interested in what people who've taken their Warlocks past 20 have to say. Mine's been sitting in the stable, in light of recent bloodlust, but I may need to pull her out again given that things seem to be stablizing.
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.

"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon

Messages In This Thread
Warlock Talent Guide - by Roland - 05-10-2005, 10:56 PM
Warlock Talent Guide - by Thawwing Light - 05-11-2005, 01:01 AM
Warlock Talent Guide - by Alram - 05-11-2005, 01:28 AM
Warlock Talent Guide - by Drasca - 05-11-2005, 01:37 AM
Warlock Talent Guide - by Drasca - 05-11-2005, 01:40 AM

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