Is the (Shadow)Priest the better Mage in WOW?
KiloVictor,Apr 29 2005, 01:32 PM Wrote:They have the highest *effective* AoE DPS, because they can move around and deploy it instantly. Warlock AoE hits harder on each tick, but it's so much more limited in how and when you can apply it; the net effect is that a mage combining mobility + instant cast will deal out more AoE damage than any other class.

AoE is about two things. Positioning and damage. Once you've mastered positioning, mobility is not worthwhile.

Quote:You snare everything that's already coming towards you by virtue of the quick lap of IAE that started the attack. If you made that lap with an eye to the direction you're going after popping the blast wave, you probably won't get hit at all as you run out.

Blast wave, kite and IAE them for five seconds. Sure. After those five seconds, though, you can't turn or they'll catch you. You have to run off in a straight line while they die, and by the way, the mage is the only one applying damage. The tank is chasing the mobs, the rogue is chasing the mobs, the priest is chasing the mage.... And where exactly do you have that kind of space? Scarlet Bastion; Reliquary; Rookery. I just named three critical areas where there's no room to move at all. What good's the style when it only works when you don't need it?

Quote:Sorry, I don't agree. The warlock can lay down one or two hard-hitting AoE attacks per battle while the mage can zip around and land many more small attacks. The death by a thousand cuts is far more damaging to the mobs, in my experience.

Warlock ticks more frequently; they're the ones with many attacks, which also hit harder. Zipping around doesn't increase the frequency of attack.

Quote:Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point.

I think so. But please refrain from addressing me as if I have no experience ever playing a mage at all.

Quote:Again, not trying to be inflammatory, but if you're frustrated, maybe it's time to experiment with a different playstyle. Try out some AoE kiting, it might be fun.

The assumption made here and throughout the rest of the post is that I've never ever tried it, and I'm saying it doesn't work based on no personal experience at all. Don't make it.

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Is the (Shadow)Priest the better Mage in WOW? - by savaughn - 05-17-2005, 07:53 PM

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