Mods posting opinions on locked threads.
Ghostiger,Apr 30 2005, 09:30 AM Wrote:I dont really think its in the spirit of the LL for Mods to post opinions on locked threads but still keep them locked.

It would be reasonable if you just posted a short  description of why the thread was locked. And it would be reasonable if you sent you opinions in a message to the original poster.

But to lock a thread after you post your in depth opinion or even to post after its locked does not seem to be in the spirit of a forum.

Thanks for your opinions. It would be reasonable also to have sent this in a PM. I gather you feel other posters might, or do, feel as you do.

It is Bolty's site, he can post wherever he bloody well pleases. How is Bolty posting on the Lounge a problem?

As I read it, Gris locked the thread and Bolty posted his comments as a coda. I don't think your taking exeption to this incredibly rare occurrence is a worthwhile complaint.

I dont' recall having seen any other Mod post on another Mod's lock, ever, but I am willing to believe it may have happened once or twice in five years.

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Messages In This Thread
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Guest - 04-30-2005, 03:30 PM
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Occhidiangela - 04-30-2005, 04:23 PM
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Guest - 04-30-2005, 05:23 PM
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Guest - 04-30-2005, 06:04 PM
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Guest - 04-30-2005, 06:21 PM
Mods posting opinions on locked threads. - by Tal - 04-30-2005, 08:07 PM

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