Anyone have experience with Remorseless?
While I was agonizing over my respec for the 100000000000th time I couldn't help but notice that Remorseless gives a whopping 40% increase to crit rate for the next Ambush (and lots of other stuff besides) - and I got to thinking. With Imp Ambush you are already getting 30% more, Cruelty gives you 5% more. So that's 75%.

29 Agi = 1 more point of crit, a Rogue SHOULD have approaching 250 Agi at my level (43)...and if I were to grind greens only, my crit rate should go up accordingly.

So are we looking at a 100% crit for Ambush here? It is worth it? For grinding greens or yellows would it actually be worth the 5 pts to guarantee an Ambush crit all the time?

The possible disadvantages would be :

1. Only lasts 20 secs. This is the major takes time to loot the corpse, stealth and move on to your next target, then position yourself for the Ambush, even with MoD and Camo. Might not be feasible.

2. Any disease or poison effects would mess up your plans badly. You could of course Gouge and Backstab instead though...

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Anyone have experience with Remorseless? - by Cyath - 04-17-2005, 08:13 AM

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