I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Doc,Apr 15 2005, 08:57 PM Wrote:Adult novelty shops sell "Freedom Ticklers." When I saw this going down the road I actually choked on my expresso.

You nearly choked on your espresso. I started gagging on my orange juice. Thanks Doc. (I've also seen French Blue thread sold as Freedom Blue thread and told that to my history professor and it made him sad. :()

But this isn't getting DeeBye his ringtones. My sister goes through several a month and she gets them from here. Those are FF7 themes.

I don't own a cell phone and I only want a cell phone when one would make things a heck of a lot easier. Like

--coordinating people at theme parks or large events instead of spending 2+ hours roaming around trying to find them
--calling AAA when I accidently locked my keys in my car
--spotting obvious drunken drivers on the road
--it's 3AM and you're on unfamiliar streets with a blown-out tire

Most of my reasons revolve around car problems or idiot friends who don't understand that a meet-up at noon at Kings Dominion's Eiffel Tower means you don't squeeze in one more ride on the Hurler.

Sadly, beeper have fallen out of fashion. I'm all about ways of communicating that put the callback responsibility on the end user. I like being able to finish my dinner or movie then go make a phone call or, if it's that important, depart from these places quickly and quietly to take care of things. (What I absolutely can't STAND about cell phone abusers is people who don't leave the room when answering their cell phone. I don't break their phone, but I ask people to leave.)

I have a version of this sticker on my bumper. If the driver's cell goes off and I'm there, I always answer it. One of my friends from high school was killed on Halloween night, 2000, partially because the driver of the car was on a cell phone when he crashed. She would have graduated this year too, with a full ride from VCU.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Count Duckula - 04-15-2005, 09:24 PM

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