I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Doc,Apr 15 2005, 10:44 AM Wrote:They were not the ignorant savages people make them out to be. They had laws for the treatment of women, allowed women to own property, and were one of the few societies during that time frame that had laws to protect slaves. Slaves would only be kept so long as slaves usually. The ones that had skills as craftsman or artistic value would eventually be made freemen. The Vikings were also prone to arming their slaves with weapons, so other people wouldn't come and haul the helpless peasantry away again. Slaves had to be fed a certain portion of food, had to be clothed against the elements, had to be protected, well treated, and be looked after. There were exceptions to this of course. Prisoners of war, enemy soldiers, and criminals could be treated however. After serving his "indentured servitude" for being "rescued" a slave could and would become a freeman, even a landowner, and could marry into Viking society. A happy worker is a hard worker. A slave will do things half assed out of spite.

You know, call me crazy, but from the perspective of the slave... slavery still sucks. I don't care if it's better slavery, or enlightnened slavery... it's still slavery. I don't want to be a well fed, clothed and armed slave. I don't want to be a slave, period.

Same with your arguments for society "needing" people like you to solve the problems you pick and choose. There are other solutions. Your solution targets everyone with a cell phone, responsible user or not. Why don't you just go out in public with a few kilos of dynomite strapped to your chest, and blow yourself up the next time you're in a restaurant and some jerk starts yapping on their cell phone? That will, after all, mean no one in that restaurant will be bothered by the rude guy on the phone.

I can agree with your goals -- you're looking for basic human decency and common sense. But your methods, in a word, suck. Slavery's bad, and no favourable comparison to worse slavery changes that. You infringing on my responsable, reasonable use of my cell phone is bad -- no matter what some other rude jerk does to you.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"

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I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by gekko - 04-15-2005, 06:33 PM

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