I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
Doc,Apr 15 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:I am however, trying to stick to some of my morals. Instead of hauling people outside and educating them in social graces by beating their ass, I have so far tried to stick to non-violent forms of protest. Like a cell jammer. [right][snapback]74049[/snapback][/right]

Well, it's quite obvious you're on a Crusade here, so it's quite pointless to keep arguing the point.

I'll just tell you this, based on the above quote: Your morals suck. You, apparently, think it's ok to hit everyone because someone is annoying you, instead of doing something about that someone in particular. You've taken the easy route, and really don't care about the side effects of your actions.

So, in short, you're not only an asshole (as you said yourself), you're a coward. And if this seems over the top, it's only because you brought the Civil Rights issue, as if what you are doing is somewhat high and mighty.

The passive-aggresive attitude is out of fashion. And with good reason.

EDIT: Since when do we have a word filter in the forum?

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I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Walkiry - 04-15-2005, 03:50 PM

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