I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone

>People have no reason to be rude. A well armed society is a polite society. A long time ago, men carried pistols.

There's one problem with that analogy. At least with a pistol you have the ability to aim at something or someone specific.

Based on what you described, your jammer has an indiscriminate area of effect. And your reasonings so far includes the few who does know how to use a cell phone (hint hint, vibrate mode feels oh so good in the pockets), as an acceptable price for silence.

So unless I missed something, your jammin' justifications are not that different from the jackasses you so despise.

> I have the courage to break the ice (and occassionally a few heads) and lead the way. People that don't have this courage are usually the ones sitting on the sidelines bitching about my methods. These people are called panty waisted Nancy boys.

When that lady you described wondered out loud how surprising that no cells has gone off yet, did you inform her that you were the courteous gentleman that provided that service? Do you inform people in a restaurant that if there's any surgeons or doctors in the house, they should be aware that you are now activating your jammer? Because otherwise I'm having a real hard time distinguishing between you and the comedian in a darkened theatre with his hilarious laser pointer.

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Hammerskjold - 04-15-2005, 03:40 PM

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