I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
ShadowHM,Apr 15 2005, 09:50 AM Wrote:Baloney ... 

"Kindness was the established norm" indeed !  Go study your history books again, Doc.  Most duellers were swaggering 'upper class' bullies who insisted that they knew how everyone else was supposed to behave, mainly because they had nothing better to do. 

A long time ago, Vikings came along with big axes and insisted they had the right to take all your stuff and make you their slave.  And they were not polite to each other either.  They had plenty of murders between each other too.  Heads got smashed in on a regular basis.    Feel nostalgic for that? 

I am more than stunned at your comparison of the Civil Rights movement with cell-phone annoyance.  You must be in one snit of a mood these days on a regular basis if that is the kind of logic you are falling into.

Your 'forthright leadership' is my 'reprehensible bully'.

No, the two are quite different. But share some common ground. The small majority who want what's right compared to the overwhelming majority that doesn't care. One was a very serious issue with a large rippling effect. The other could become a very large issue with a ripple effect. Both of them do have a small bit in common... It boils down to basic human civility and consideration. Both have in common the ignorant idiot majority thinking they can do as they please with no consequences.

And yes, I am in a snit. Very much so. I had retreated from the world for a considerable length of time, doing the whole hermit thing. I am now going back into the world. I can safely say it has gone to hell, at least in my small area. I never recall it being this bad. I am sober now... Very much so, for good or for ill. I am told from the people that still love me that I am not a very nice person when I am sober. I have this whole problem of "getting things done and taking out the trash." I have gone into "Seek and Destry Mode" and cell phones and the morons that use them have fallen into my crosshairs. Anything that irks me... Bothers me... Chaps my hide is going to earn my baleful attention.

I am however, trying to stick to some of my morals. Instead of hauling people outside and educating them in social graces by beating their ass, I have so far tried to stick to non-violent forms of protest. Like a cell jammer.

Like it or not, I am an asshole. For a long span of years, I mellowed, er, pickled out. I am back to the man I used to be. Woke up. I have found out on the inside that I am still the man that would dump a ton of fish into a strip club to protest it's location. I am not in a bid for a popularity contest. I am here to do the right thing, even if it makes me unpopular. I am still the vengeful little SOB bastard that I used to be. I am a mean spiteful hateful little arrogant angry little short man that has a gripe with the world. The alcoholic fog has cleared away and now I am picking up where I left off.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Doc - 04-15-2005, 03:18 PM

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