I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone
ShadowHM,Apr 14 2005, 07:59 PM Wrote:That is only because you're old and losing your memory.  :P

When I raised the topic of cell phone jammers on the RBD board, some time ago, there was a rather compelling reason offered by LKendter.

He has a child with serious health problems, who requires round-the-clock nursing.  If he or his wife were taking a much-needed break from the burden of this care, and missed a phone call because of your decision about what is needed, what then?    As he pointed out in his post, he would gladly forgo using that establishment if he knew that he could not receive a call there.  Instead, he has the likes of you making that decision for him?    :huh:
Maybe its because I'm a worry wart but I always provide the telephone number of the restraunt where the wife and I are dining to the sitter. this alleviates the need for the Cell phone to be on for emergencies during dinner at least. :)

Movies...are a different problem. I do give them the number and tell them what show we are seeing but keep the phone on in silent mode. With caller ID I can take calls in the lobby that are from home (which may be an emergency call) and ignore the others.

I wouldn't want the decision on whether or not I received a call taken out of my hands.

Messages In This Thread
I am looking for a specific polyphonic ringtone - by Tal - 04-15-2005, 02:43 PM

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