Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate!
Drasca,Apr 12 2005, 12:52 AM Wrote:Time? These problems have existed since beta. They've gone ignored.

And should remain ignored until all the big problems are fixed. Time-in-grade doesn't earn any points here.

Quote:These 'gripes' aren't just that. They're killer on a PvP server.

Then group up or move slower. If, as you claim, you can take 1v3 when not ambushed...make sure you're not ambushed. I don't play on a PvP server, but Mongo claims you can avoid being ambushed by being careful, and I believe him.

Quote:I don't think blizzard will ever take out the debuff limit. It is their way of keeping enemies artificially difficult, and keep bandwidth down. . . Hence, WL's are pushed out of being the debuff class in group PvE.

It also massively harms mages, though in a less easily perceptible way.

See, the thing about mages is that our damage spells never just do damage. Each either already inflicts a debuff or has the potential to inflict one. Fireball leaves a puny little DoT; Frostbolt inflicts a chill. All fire spells have the possibility of proccing Impact or Ignite and all frost spells chill or freeze (and can proc Frostbite). The result is that more than one mage firing on a target at once can quickly build up these useless debuffs and push useful ones off the target. In raids, this generally limits us to the use of Arcane Missiles, by far the least efficient of our spells and one of our lowest-damage ones, at a time when both damage and efficiency are highly desirable. This holds mage damage down far below potential in both rate and sustainability.

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Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate! - by Skandranon - 04-12-2005, 04:02 PM

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