04-07-2005, 02:16 PM
DeeBye,Apr 6 2005, 06:56 PM Wrote:The other day, one of Bolesta's sons needed a few bucks. Bolesta pulled out his wallet and "whipped out a couple of $2 bills. But my son turned away. He said he doesn't want 'em any more."And one of life's simple joys has been stolen from the poor kid. When I was little at Christmas, my folks always gave us quarters or half-dollars that were made during my sister's birth year and my birth year*. It was a neat thing for me because mine were the bicentennial designs and my sister's were just plain ones. I didn't really care about the money, just that it was different. And now that poor kid gets told in yet another way that being different is bad. Bleh.
He's seen where such money can lead.
* No, that wasn't all we got for presents on Christmas. They were just part of all the stocking stuffers. Along with an orange for some reason. I thought the orange was just something that mom did, but then I heard some complete stranger (I think it may have been part of a comic's routine, but don't remember for sure anymore) mention oranges as a Christmas stocking stuffer.
Intolerant monkey.