Guild Wars: Character Profession Primary attribute
Its actiony. Fast-paced (But not twitch-gameplay, unless you want to use spell interrupters).

You gain levels until 20, after that, you only find new items, or acquire new skills (Of which you can only bring 8 at a time to a battle).

Quite fun.

It's not a click fest (Thank god for auto-attack), but it's not a "Watch the game play out." Which skills to use at which time, and at which target plays a huge role - simply spamming an attack or an attack spell (See Diablo 2) will result in a very quick and gruesome death. As the game progresses, special tactics are required more often, to get by some (otherwise nearly unbeatable) fights.

I think that combat should be best compared to a fully real-time Baldur's Gate, where you only worry about you character (With oviously, Diabloesque life, mana, mana regeneration, and WoWesque 5-60 second cooldowns on many skills).

But one thing I can guarantee you, is that you won't be sitting there, holding down a single attack skill :P.

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Guild Wars: Character Profession Primary attribute - by Swiss Mercenary - 03-26-2005, 09:10 PM

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