Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense.
It's simply easier to have a Paladin or Shaman use their resistance aura/totem or to have a Druid buff you with Mark of the Wild for resistances rather than sacrifice Stamina and other stats for them.

Even with a significant amount of resistance (such as +60 from Shadow Ward), the chance to utterly negate the spell (which is what you're going for; if you're just wanting to reduce the damage dealt, stacking STA is clearly superior) is still miniscule.

There's nothing wrong with adding a little resistances here and there when possible (such as +5 on your cloak instead of +90 Armor), but for the most part, they're not worth stacking at the expense of stats.

If Shamans and Frost Shock are bugging you, drink a Free Action potion. You can't be snared anymore, and they probably won't think to Purge you until they're dead.

If you're getting magebombed, try an Arcane Protection potion. Same if you're getting dotted into oblivion by magelocks and priests, except grab a Fire Protection or Shadow Protection potion.

Pallies and their new favorite seal, Seal of Command, bugging you? Holy Protection shuts them down pretty good.

As far as resisting Fear, Shadow resistance has a very negligible effect (if any) on it; the only way to break fear is by using special abilities. If you're a Warrior, hit Berserker Rage or Death Wish or even Recklessness. If you're Undead, use Will of the Forsaken. If you're a blacksmith, use the Glimmering Mithril Insignia. Anything else and you're basically SOL.

In practical PvP, stacking STA will invariably be more effective than stacking resistances since it's MUCH more consistent (you'll never outright resist a spell, but you'll be able to take it), and it doesn't cripple you against everything that isn't reliant on that particular resistance type.

In short: make friends with alchemists and don't bother trading stats for resistances.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense. - by Artega - 03-17-2005, 06:06 AM

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