Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense.
A dedicated tank will consider their inventory like a golf bag: different tools for different tasks. I'm working on at least having 2 rings of each elemental resist so I can pre-pull add 30-40 resistance to one element. The trickier part comes into deciding other armor pieces to keep onhand or store/sell depending on how situationally valuable they might be.

Problem is I'm not experienced enough to know what's good where (or alert enough to always realize whether I'm being worked by arcane dmg vs. shadow dmg, etc.).

For best overall mitigation, what are are the situations where a 30-40 boost is better than what one likely has from rings, and what are the situations where you want absolutely every source possible of a particular resist at the expense of nearly all other factors?

PvP - Sheep happy mages.

Oxnia - all out.
BRD - rings on some pulls.
Molten core - ?
PvP - dueling Fire mages.

Noxious - all out.
Mauradon sludges - if you're tanking instead of kiting (hint: kite).
Princess - rings to resist knockback/flatulence.
PvP - druids & hunters to resist roots/snare effects.

PvP - Cold Mages. Frost shock happy Shamans.

Molten Core - madgmar, and ghennas.
PvP - Shadow priests. Resist Priest & Warlock fear.

PvP - ?

Please contribute/discuss. ;)

[added madgmar and ghennas to the list as suggested]

Messages In This Thread
Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense. - by Olon97 - 03-17-2005, 02:43 AM

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