03-10-2005, 09:37 AM
Catlyn,Mar 9 2005, 07:26 PM Wrote:I've been trying to collect all the Blackrock Spire quests I can, and I think I have them all except "The Final Tablet" I think it's called... but to get that I have to go get a couple other tablets from some Trolls in Eastern Plaguelands... I can't solo it... I tried.
We also should go talk to that blue dragon in winterspring... I can almost solo that, but not quite.
I can't find groups to do either... I've tried.
Any interest?
Oh... anyone else got their Scholomance key yet?
Next time you're on, I'll drag out Rylea, unless I'm in an instance, and go do them with you. And I've got a Scholomance key (yes, I, the poor enchanter, sacrificed my 15 gold...nah, I'm a questaholic too) so the rest of you can skip it, if you like.