03-10-2005, 01:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-10-2005, 01:58 AM by MongoJerry.)
Catlyn,Mar 9 2005, 05:26 PM Wrote:I've been trying to collect all the Blackrock Spire quests I can, and I think I have them all except "The Final Tablet" I think it's called... but to get that I have to go get a couple other tablets from some Trolls in Eastern Plaguelands... I can't solo it... I tried.
Yeah, it's not soloable, but it can probably be duoed. I ended up getting my tablets by providing a kind of quid-pro-quo assistance for a couple of guys who needed to kill the dwarf miniboss near the undead trolls. Once I helped them, they helped me get the tablets. It's pretty fast, since you can skip most of the trolls.
Quote:We also should go talk to that blue dragon in winterspring... I can almost solo that, but not quite.
If you're willing to cheese through it a bit, you can take off all your armor and weapons to avoid armor repair costs and do a small series of rez-run-die's. The caverns are big enough that you can sneak past a lot of the dragons and even when you're spotted, you can run and make it pretty far. You'd probably only have to die about three times all told to get to the portal in the large end chamber.
Quote:Oh... anyone else got their Scholomance key yet?
Only one person in the party has to have a key to get in. In fact, all you need is a rogue with well developed lockpicking skills in the party. This didn't stop me from getting my own key, though, since I'm a questaholic.