Four posts in a row, you can really tell that I'm struggling with the talents for this character can't you? So currently I am thinking of this build.

Holy Mastery
Spiritual Focus Rank 5
Divine Wisdom Rank 5
Improved Blessing of Wisdom Rank 5
Divine Favor Rank 1
Illumination Rank 5
Improved Holy Light Rank 3
Holy Total: 24

Retribution Mastery
Deflection Rank 2
Improved Seal of the Crusader Rank 5
Improved Blessing of Might Rank 5
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization Rank 5
Retribution Total: 17

Protection Mastery
Toughness Rank 5
Improved Devotion Aura Rank 5
Protection Total: 10

Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60

It has the same healing as before, because I think I like having the ability to heal a good amount. The warrior I team with seems to go two handed alot and I was thinking of going two handed as well so Improved Devotion Aura seems like something that would be helpful to both of us since we won't have shields to pump our defense. Toughness is pretty much the same thing except just for me. Deflection is also just more defense and mainly just where I threw the 2 points I had left over. Improved Blessing of Might and 2H Specialization are more damage obviously. I'm thinking that I'll use Seal of the Crusader because 2H weapons tend to be slower and so I think I'll like speeding them up some. So with that, the talent seems like a good idea as well. Thats the rough idea anyway. It feels a bit generic and boring to me, but thats kind of the feeling I get for the character in general. Maybe it will grow on me with time though. Anyway, does that talent distrobution look decent to everyone?

Messages In This Thread
utiladin - by swirly - 03-03-2005, 03:12 AM
utiladin - by swirly - 03-03-2005, 04:33 AM
utiladin - by swirly - 03-03-2005, 05:45 AM
utiladin - by swirly - 03-03-2005, 06:37 AM
utiladin - by Tal - 03-03-2005, 02:44 PM
utiladin - by vor_lord - 03-03-2005, 03:59 PM
utiladin - by Tal - 03-03-2005, 04:37 PM
utiladin - by Kevin - 03-03-2005, 04:52 PM
utiladin - by Tal - 03-03-2005, 06:44 PM

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