how to avoid beeing pked
else to the obvious rules ( dont stand next to waypoints or tps) i wanted to know how i avoid beeing pked in, say, hellbaalruns.
i havent been pked ever, yet, because i always follow the obvious rules posted above, but it seems to me that things will rough up a lot in hell, where pking starts to get really funny for the pker and really annoying to the pknee.

i think the types of chars mostly used in pking are the following

1.: bowazons
these are easily able to shoot some guided arrows, go to town and listen to your dying curses.

high blockrate seems to help, since even with hacks, they seem only
to be able to shoot 4 arrows before having to leave for town.
if you are blocking 3 of 4, the last one will not kill you.

2.: Zoo necs
they come, however they hack it, throug a portal while at the same time hostilizing you. then their zoo, mostly helped by a might ore aimer merc beats you down.

if you stay away of any portals, you will not to have to face the
whole crowd. when the nec has enigma, you will be pretty much
eaten. really high defense and blocking as well as dmg reduce should

3.: bone necs
same as bowazones, but with bone spirit. isnt as fast, does hit much harder, but not as often. does someone know if bonespirit is blockable and how to get resistances against them?

4.: elemental druid
i have never seen a onslought of one of these, but it seems they are using
enigma / hurricane or shoot some tornados and leave for town hoping for the random hit...can anyone provide solid information?

5.: frostsorcs
sorcs with anything but ice are quite easily countered by high ( 90 +) resistances
but frostsorcs are able to drop your resistances by more than 200 % and have with ice blast (or was it bolt), blizzard (which stay for a while, so they can go to town, can´t they? dunno if blizzard expires after leaving for town.) and frozen orb, which enables them sure to go for town, a wide range of versatile pking techniques.

the only hope i see at the moment is to have resis higher than 350 %
and some cannot be frozen stuff... any better ideas?

6.: miscelleanous
for example charging palas, hammadins (havent seen them pk, but i know they are quite the pvp machines), singing barbs... please add what u have seen and how to avoid them.

all the types of pk base on fast hostilizing and thus mostly on hacks.
it would be easy to counter them with a chicken hack, but i want to play absolutely without any #$%&. so please add information and tips.

Messages In This Thread
how to avoid beeing pked - by phaedi - 03-02-2005, 11:44 AM
how to avoid beeing pked - by lfd - 03-02-2005, 11:58 AM
how to avoid beeing pked - by Occhidiangela - 03-02-2005, 01:33 PM
how to avoid beeing pked - by phaedi - 03-02-2005, 04:46 PM
how to avoid beeing pked - by phaedi - 03-02-2005, 05:11 PM
how to avoid beeing pked - by lfd - 03-02-2005, 07:27 PM
how to avoid beeing pked - by whathuh - 03-03-2005, 10:25 PM

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