acidjax,Feb 28 2005, 11:45 AM Wrote:I'll start with some things I've observed and someone else can jump in to add/correct.
**Warlock** The warlock is sort of a magic niche-filler. The imp group stamina buff is appreciated and it does pretty decent damage for a pet. The succubus can offer CC through mesmerize. The voidwalker can be used as CC to keep a mob busy at the beginning of a fight. The felstalker can eat up magical debuffs or monster buffs. The warlock himself has banish which is a useful form of CC in some situations. A good warlock will know which monsters will run away on low health and apply Curse of Recklessness (rank 1) to them. A warlock also can place soulstone on a rezzer and provide healthstones to the main tank and/or mage (who's using AoE). Warlocks have decent AoE options and alliance ones can cast uninterruptible (with the help of a paladin and talents). The warlock should use an assist macro before placing any DoTs on a target.
Being a warlock player I can expand and add some tips.
Use your DoT on as many mobs as possible, but only on mobs that are being tanked or kept busy otherwise, this will be like a semi AoE. Keep in mind that mobs with DoTs on them cant be CC most of the time, due to damage breaking most CC spells.
Give out healthstones to all the party, they only cost mana and a shard. Which is practically free.
As acidjax said, Soulstone should always be placed on a rezzer.
Hellfire is a great AoE, but keep in mind that if the aggro lock of the tank isnt high enough you may get pounded by many angry mobs. Nonetheless it is a very good spell to kill low hp mass mobs. Remember to tell your healers to lookout when you use it as they will need to heal you. Group taunt of voidwalker or a mage nova are good spells to use right after casting hellfire to prevent mobs from massattacking the warlock.
Ritual of summoning should be used to quickly assembly the party.
Fear is very good CC, but using it in places where the mob will run into others and bring adds will cause a wipe, so you have to know your surroundings. If the mob is feared already and it seems it may run into adds, quickly cast immolation on it, most of the time it breaks the fear.
When fighting demons or elementals banish can be very useful, to CC adds or to give the party a breather in between, just remember to tell players that you can do it, otherwise they will be somewhat startled when the mob pops the immune message.
Enslave demon can help a lot, be it just before a battle, it will take a demon out of the equation, or in the battle, where it may tilt the battle in your party's favor. Remeber that you can not enslave a demon if you already have a pet outside, so dismiss or sacrifice it, if it is worth it. Also casting curse of shadows on the demon, before enslaving, helps it last longer. Be aware when the enlsave ends, it breaking in battle is a bad idea.
I have observed, but i need to test it a bit more, that curse of recklessness rank 1 may not work on higher level mobs, so i have to use the latest rank of the skill.
Should be self explaining, but when in water use waterbreathing on your party, when stealthed or invisible mobs are near, use detect invisibility.
Eye of Kilrogg is awesome to scout the area ahead, use it. A rogue can scout too, but if something detects him a battle with ensue, if something detect the eye, you can always cast a new one.
It got longer than intended, but more info is always useful. :P
Edit: some spelling corrected