Video Card and RAM Upgrades
Quote:Using the Everest program (thanks Yrrek) it shows my mobo is AGP 4x.
It also shows ECC is supported but not enabled for the RAM. Not that I'm looking to swap over to ECC RAM but is it any better?

Only for servers, and people who absolutely need error-free working environments. In other words, no. Stick with what you have. It's bad enough you have RDRAM, don't complicate things by getting ECC too. :P

Quote:If I get the high end video card and not the RAM will my system choke? I know that card can outrun my system easily already.

Not at all. The card will hit a cieling with your CPU, much like mine has, but there's nothing you can do about that. Due to that, you may want to just opt for the 6800, and spend the extra dough on a good power supply. You WILL need a new one if you add on a new video card, or much of anything else (including more RAM).

Quote:Nystul brings up a good point. How much better is PCI Express for the interface than AGP? Would you recommend I wait to purchase a video card until I build a system from the ground up to take advantage of PCI? I know we can't predict the future but will AGP be supported on anything but bargain bin motherboards in a few years?

For the time being? Hardly any difference at all. Chances are, AGP will be around for another year or so reliably, despite Intel's efforts to force it out. Intel 865 / 875 chipsets are still VERY popular, and motherboards now have these chipsets for LGA 775 (the newest Intel chip socket), thus giving you the latest CPUs without forcing you to give up your old RAM and video card. This is exactly what I'm doing right now - slowly upgrading my vastly outdated system with some inexpensive but powerful components (new aluminum case for expansion and cooling, new video card is already in place, new motherboard and processor to remove the bottleneck on my video card and make all my programs run more smoothly; eventually I'll get a new power supply and hard drives, and some additional RAM, and then by then I'll have built an entirely new system for under a grand, and will be ready to start thinking about a top-of-the-line system with PCI-Express and the latest CPUs). While it's true that my hardware will be "outdated" in about 2 years, tops, there are SO many new components coming out within the next YEAR that it's rediculous for me to worry about becoming outdated, when ANYTHING I buy today will be outdated in a year or two, period.

Intel has new single- and dual-core CPUs coming out by this time NEXT YEAR, along with new motherboard chipsets. Higher-speed RAM support will also follow, along with a slew of other things. AMD will obviously follow suit in time. Because of all this, why even bother worrying about the future too much? Look at it this way: RIGHT NOW you are having issues with your computer. Does it make sense to wait 1 - 2 YEARS, living with those problems, just so you can shell out a huge amount of dough to get the latest and greatest? Or does it make MORE sense to shell out a couple hundred bucks to solve ALL your problems RIGHT NOW, while buyind you that extra time between now and those future components? I'd take choice B anyday, and I would suggest to anyone else to do the same.

Quote:My power supply seems to be very stable with what I power:
mobo, cpu, and expansion cards
CPU fan (using Everest it shows 35 deg. C at the processor after 4 hours of moderate use.)
1 case fan
hard drive
usually only running one optical drive at a time, sometimes 2
usb optical mouse
usb headset
usb joystick
The MX 440 does not have a fan or any power cables running to it that I noticed. It appears to be drawing power directly from the mobo. (Also on Everest I noticed it has 2 pipelines - laughed when I saw that, 6800GT has 16) I can send more detailed info on my power supply if you like. I would never trust it with a new video card or more fans though.

Absolutely get a new PSU. You won't be able to handle anything new without one. Go for the Zalman - it's powerful, EFFICIENT, and quiet.

Quote:For only having one case fan in the front of the case, one power supply fan, and the CPU fan I am happy with the current noise level and pleasantly suprised by the temperature of my CPU. I do not have neon, LEDs, or other bling on my computer. From what I've heard dust and heat are the 2 biggest killers of electronics. I clean out my case about every 6-8 months. Would you suggest another case fan on the back to help pull air through the case if I upgrade?

Depends on whether you can fit it. Get your new components, then worry about cooling. A good fan can be had for as little as $10. It's a non-issue at this point.

Quote:Again thanks to everyone for your input.

No problem. I hope my input is of good help, as I'm currently dealing with a very similar situation. ;) Read my input in that topic I linked you to earlier, and you'll see what I mean. Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have any more questions!
EDIT: PCI Express article It looks like if I upgrade my hardware will either be useless in a few years or the new stuff will still have not completely caught on for mainstream use.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

Messages In This Thread
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-23-2005, 09:29 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-23-2005, 10:27 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Yrrek - 02-23-2005, 11:21 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Wyrm - 02-24-2005, 02:43 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-24-2005, 02:48 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-24-2005, 03:23 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Yrrek - 02-24-2005, 03:28 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Nystul - 02-24-2005, 09:34 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-24-2005, 06:31 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-24-2005, 08:09 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-24-2005, 09:33 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-24-2005, 11:03 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-25-2005, 12:06 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by DeeBye - 02-25-2005, 03:06 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-25-2005, 06:32 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Guest - 02-25-2005, 01:38 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-25-2005, 06:08 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Concillian - 02-26-2005, 12:48 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-26-2005, 01:03 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Wyrm - 02-26-2005, 04:12 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by DeeBye - 02-26-2005, 04:20 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by jahcs - 02-26-2005, 06:57 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Roland - 02-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Concillian - 02-26-2005, 08:13 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Fragbait - 02-28-2005, 01:03 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Nystul - 02-28-2005, 01:57 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Fragbait - 02-28-2005, 10:29 PM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Fragbait - 03-01-2005, 08:48 AM
Video Card and RAM Upgrades - by Taem - 03-05-2005, 11:57 AM

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