How to Win Friends and Influence Priests
Bolty,Feb 22 2005, 03:37 PM Wrote:If you're partying with a Priest that is casting PW:S on a warrior, inform them of this.  I never cast it on Warriors in groups because I know it stops the buildup of rage.

Actually, that's a myth. PW:S doesn't affect rage generation positively or negatively.

Quote:There's nothing wrong with backup healers.  Things Will Go Wrong™, and also for boss fights, it's supremely handy to have another healer around to save the day when the primary runs out of mana.  But for most fights, you only need one healer, and if you're playing with a holy/disc priest, you're not having them along for their offense.

I usually tell shamans that if a fight gets rough, I'll expect them to take care of healing themselves and I'll handle the other guys. I'll throw the occational renew on a shaman and if others aren't in dire need of healing, I'll occationally throw a flash heal on a shaman. But to me, a shaman is mostly one less person I have to heal during a fight.

Artega Wrote:A pull works like this: I use Charge, and use the rage generated for a quick Whirlwind, then a Dem-snare combo.

Ugh, I forgot to mention this. I hate charge pulls in higher level instances, for many reasons, but not limited to:

1. Mob groups tend to be more tightly packed together, so a charging warrior will frequently end up pulling extra mob groups.

2. Higher level instances have more patroling mobs, so you want to pull mobs to where patrols won't add during the fight. Having the warrior charge forward means that fights happen right where the mobs are and right where patrols will walk by. The alternative is that the warrior can charge forward and then walk backward to the party, but then that's several seconds where the mobs are pounding on the tank without them getting pounded on. (Or, that's where the priest heals the tank and pulls all the aggro and gets pounded on).

3. Mobs in higher level instances often have special abilities like knockback and fear. If you fight the mobs where they are, that means you have a lot better chance of being knocked into more adds.

Just use Inner Rage or whatever thing you have to do to build up a little initial rage and shoot pull the mob group to the party. It's so much simpler and less likely to wipe a party that chooses to fight mobs of its level.

Messages In This Thread
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 04:42 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 04:47 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 07:02 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-22-2005, 07:35 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by MongoJerry - 02-22-2005, 10:59 PM
How to Win Friends and Influence Priests - by Tal - 02-23-2005, 04:07 AM

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