help!sos~~!who knows Diablo2 please come in!
ICanChangTheWorLd,Feb 19 2005, 10:05 PM Wrote:ya~~!! I know it now ,but I can play D2 through by my pirate disk in
China...but Y???

i mean i know the rule now..but why ......I can play D2 online(through
in China ...and my install CD is pirated......I do not why??
Y is stand for "Why"..

Hello. I am an Admin here. Please listen to me. At the Lurker Lounge, we expect all posters to at least try to speak in complete sentences. Avoid "chatroom speak" like "Y". Use periods and commas instead of "...." Use capital letters when you need to. I understand that English is not your first language. But, I ask you to try your best.

If you're playing online through that server that you posted, that's not actually That's why you can get online there.

We also have some rules here that you need to know. First of all, we do not tolerate cheating of any kind. You posted that link to a site that hosts cheats. If you cheat, go somewhere else. Also, we're not too keen on people who play with pirated copies of the game. Diablo II is not very expensive at the moment.

You need to keep these things in mind when you are posting here. Thanks.
Why can't we all just get along


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help!sos~~!who knows Diablo2 please come in! - by Griselda - 02-20-2005, 04:48 PM

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