help!sos~~!who knows Diablo2 please come in!
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ya~~!! I know it now ,but I can play D2 through by my pirate disk in China...but Y??? :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
*hi~!I am John. 21years old. I am a chinese. creay about Diablo2!
my yahoo messager:diablo_john11
*hallo. Ich bin John. 21jahr alt. Ich bin ein Chinese.
Meine yahoo messager:diablo_john11
*hola!Soy John.Soy chino.
esto es mi yahoo messager:diablo_john11
私の雅虎:diablo_john11 私のQQ:408687898(中国地区限り)

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help!sos~~!who knows Diablo2 please come in! - by ICanChangTheWorLd - 02-17-2005, 03:37 AM

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