I am playing Morrowind for the first time
Before I say *anything*, get the boots of blinding speed from the woman north-west from Caldera. Then get the cuirass of saviours hide from the 100% locked chest at the top level in tel fyr (you need to levitate to the top floor.) The boots of blinding speed gives you +200 to speed, which allows you to travel very fast. However, you are completely blinded whenever you use them, so you need the cuirass that gives you 70% magicka reduction, reducing the blindness to 30%)

Whenever I play the game, this is the very first thing I do after I leave Seyda Neen. The game is unplayable without the Boots of BS.

Now, onto the rest of my post:

Ah, good ol'e Vvardenfell!

Morrowind is one of the few games I always return to. It is one of the biggest games I've played, and the replayability is one-of-a-kind. There are simply no other games out there that provide this level of replay-value. I'm currently playing GTA: San Andreas on my Playstation2, and that definitely gets close, however, with the lack of an unending mod-community, San Andreas has a limit. Morrowind, on the other hand, does not.

As to your questions:

1. Mods
The first 3-4 times I played through the game, I never used any mods. I was skeptical of anything that wasn't released by the game manufacturers. This last time around, I said "what the hell", and downloaded a few. I was very happy with the ones I chose:

* Castle Vianden (based on a real castle in the Netherlands)
Gives you a huge castle south-east of Sadrith Mora where you can display armors and weapons on manequins and in display cases. Very cool! (No quests though, but there's a ring that lets you teleport to sadrith mora/the castle/Vivec and some other places, which cuts back on travelling.

Also, there's a room full of pictures hanging on the walls showing the real Castle Vianden through the ages. It's very neat :)

* World of faces
This mod not only allows you a greated variety of faces to choose from for your own character, but alters many key character's faces in the world of Vvardenfell.

* Giants ultimate files
I think this was a monster-mod which added 200 new monsters to the world including giants, female giants, giant skeletons and many other challenging foes.

Morrowind gets *real* easy *real* fast unless you slide the difficulty slider all the way to the right, or choose a magic-based character class. The last mod makes the game harder without having to make these compromises.

Here are some pictures:
This is me in my outfit. Notice the cloak I got from the body of one my summoned creatures (don't remember the name). In the background you should see orc- and redguard armor on two of my manequins, as well as some of the paintings of Castle Vianden
[Image: morro47.jpg]

This is me by the fireplace:
[Image: morro46.jpg]

A close up of my face. In the background you see Her Hand's- (tribunal) and Glass-armor. (Yes I killed the 5 hands of Almaxia. I might have some pictures of it, see below :P)
[Image: morro45.jpg]

Yepp, here it is. It's very dark, but you should be able to make out a couple of Almaxia's dead hands on the floor. It took a long time killing them. Anyone who's tried knows why :)
[Image: morro56.jpg]

A nymph: (from the monsters-plugin) Dislaimer: Full nudity ahead!

Vianden at night:
[Image: mw5.jpg]

An earlier (and seemingly more evil) version of my character:
[Image: mw9.jpg]

Some more pictures of my stash: :)

edit: I removed the [img]-brackets around the nymph, and also added a little disclaimer; for obvious reasons.. :whistling:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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I am playing Morrowind for the first time - by [wcip]Angel - 02-05-2005, 09:41 PM

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