02-02-2005, 08:08 PM
Sir_Die_alot,Feb 2 2005, 11:22 AM Wrote:Yeah, but better an instant wash than one that takes time. If you have some cash you can invest it in playing the house like I recomended. Plus you get your skill level up, hopefully to a point that you can make something more in demand.
The best ways I know for casual players to get a mount are to join a large guild of higher levels and ask for donations, and to mix your gathering with your questing - kill X of mob Y to get Z works well when you're getting leather too. If crafting is important to you, make sure you're making something that always sells on the side. For example if you're a leatherworker always make everything you don't use into armor kits and auction them. And low-level market manipulation (say, bronze and healing potions) can be done in 20-30 minutes a day and still be profitable.
It is still possible to get a mount at 40 if you're spending on other things, but of course these goals are in direct conflict with each other. The more you choose to spend, the longer it's going to take to get a mount.