Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get...
MentatAssassin,Jan 19 2005, 02:52 PM Wrote:My warrior should be able to attend.  He also needs to retrieve the Mythology of the Titans and kill Houndmaster Loksey, if that could be worked in, to finish off the Scarlet Monastery quests.[right][snapback]65878[/snapback][/right]

Should be no problem. :)

MentatAssassin,Jan 19 2005, 02:52 PM Wrote:Oh, and you'll like the fact that he does not have any interest in either the hammer or chapeau if they drop.  ;)

hehehe. I would have requested a roll on it anyway as it is a nice weapon, even for warriors. :)

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Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - by Tal - 01-19-2005, 07:21 PM

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