01-18-2005, 02:43 PM
Bolty,Jan 13 2005, 11:58 AM Wrote:Instance 1: Graveyard. Left side, open portalActually the graveyard is worth going to if you're about 33-35ish and feel the need to grind with some friends. For one thing, it's pretty easy to handle in a group of three. For another, there are some pretty good drops.
This instance is the easiest, containing level 31-35 creeps. It's purely there for drops and loot, as there are no quest npcs (for the Alliance, at least) there. The end boss, down at the bottom of a crypt at the far side of a graveyard as you enter it, is definitely worth killing if you're a caster. He can drop a +7 Intellect off-hand orb, for one thing. However, the quest reward for In the Name of the Light features the option for an even better off-hand orb. Due to this, the fact that the monsters are pretty low level by the time Alliance characters bother making the long trip up to the Monastery, and the fact that there are no quest rewards there, this instance is typically skipped.
http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=30349 This guy's stuff isn't hot but on the other hand http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=33143 That ring Ironspine drops is hotness for a rogue or warrior.
But this guy http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=30348 drops such a nice little set of items.
There IS a horde quest in there. It involves going and killing some guy's wife, who lives just south of UC on the Alterac side of the lake. I am FAIRLY certain her (and her dad, who's there as well) are actually elites, because dayum do they ever hit hard.