Preparing for the arrival of my copy of WoW.
TaiDaishar,Jan 17 2005, 06:03 PM Wrote:Hmmm, you're in Europe and you're getting the US version? Are you sure this is o.k since I know for a fact that European clients are banned (for now) from US servers and I'm not sure the US version matches the Euro version that you need for the european servers.
Well, I will (when I have to provide credit card info) provide a US billing adress.
It is not used for anything but location verification and I have relatives in NY that I have checked with and its ok with them if I give their adress so it should be ok.

Plus I am getting a 2nd copy (from my pre-order in sweden) that should all else fail will be a "proper" eu release.

I'm not too worried. Things will work out.

[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]

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Preparing for the arrival of my copy of WoW. - by Alrin - 01-17-2005, 05:13 PM

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