12-24-2004, 02:33 PM
Occhidiangela,Dec 24 2004, 01:46 AM Wrote:Treesh, a while back, when the regulars were in pitched into the battle with the hordes of invading buffoons, I am talking two to three years ago, and particularly during the Beta Test for D II XPAC, I made the comment that a community sets and demands the norms it wants. For the longest time, Elric held the FAQ and etiquette on his site, as Bolty did not want to be that stuffy. :) I remember some of those times. One was shortly after Blizzard put up a link to the LL on the Chaos Sanctuary. I've been lurking for quite some time. Just never really felt like I had much to contribute to the forums so I didn't post. Yes, weeding out the chaff was a bit more necessary then precisely because there were so many new people who just assumed that the LL could be treated like the bnet forums. And if you'll notice I did mention in my posts that the behavior of this community has improved/gone back to being less hostile otherwise I would have already been told to "bugger off", but not so succintly. ;)
The community is all of us. We realized then that the mods/admins could not do it all, and Bolty & Co expressed general appreciation for support, though the occasional overzealous defense of the Lounge would get "that hardly helps" corrections from the head shed. I was on the receiving end of a few of those myself.
The membership must to a certain extent enforce, by peer pressure, community standards. What Pete seems to be appealing for, and I hear you echoing, is a call for a somewhat less strident (anal?) approach to "form versus substance" in re posting that borders on the edges of accepted norms.
This ain't the first time the call has gone out to loosen our ties a bit. I would liken the process to flushing the car radiator now and again: a periodic maintenance activity. ;)
Whether or not you choose to believe me, I have been around to see a lot of the changes the Lounge has gone through. No, I haven't seen them all, but there are only a handful of people who can claim they've seen it all and not be lying. It just feels like you're subtly trying to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because you think I haven't been part of the lounge forever. To me, both this post of yours and the first one in response to my post are just trying to get me to shut up. "Pete knows, he can offer his opinion. She doesn't know, she can't." If I'm inferring something that you have not implied, my apologies.
Intolerant monkey.