A Guide to Mages
Responding to MongoJerry’s call for content - here it is. As I’ve noted, it’s a preliminary draft, so feel free to pick at things. Discussion is good, but please do it in the comment thread to avoid messing up the organization of this one.

Yes, this contains a lot of simple stuff, but I’m writing for someone who’s had only minimal experience with the game. Should I change this approach? Let me know.

As my highest-level mage is 47 right now, this will only cover levels up to 40. In the future, I intend on expanding this all the way up to 60 as I play my way there. However, just because my experience isn’t comprehensive doesn’t mean it isn’t useful, and 40 is a nice point to start some writing. After all, not everyone currently playing made a level-capped mage in beta.

All right, friends. Let’s talk mages.

Before we get to anything else, let’s hear Blizzard’s thoughts on the subject.

Quote:When seeking someone to introduce monsters to a world of pain, the Mage is a good choice. With their elemental and arcane attacks, it's a safe bet something they can do won't be resisted by your chosen enemy. Damage is the name of the Mage game, and they do it well. Their arsenal includes some powerful crowd control spells, also, giving them the ability to keep hordes at bay ﷓﷓ in fact, these abilities can be used on the most common creatures in the game, thus making them extremely valuable for this purpose.

As typically helpful as the usual Blizzard blurb. And by typically, I mean not at all.

In WoW, the mage has a number of roles, which may not necessarily coincide as situations change. Massive bursts of damage are certainly part of the mage’s repertoire, but they aren’t all of it - and a strategy based solely on inflicting mass damage isn’t going to serve you well at all times. As for their comments about “resistance” and keeping “hordes” at bay…well, let’s just say that’s typical Blizzard honesty, too. Resistance is a problem mostly limited to mages, because of the elemental affinities of mage skills, and “hordes” can be kept at bay, so long as they’re hordes of two.

This guide will encompass a number of topics, but I’m going to try to make it as complete as possible. Briefly, it will be structured like so:

a) Making your mage
b) Skills
c) The Early Game - Levels 1-10, but not including the assignment of the first talent.
d) Talents and Talent Builds
e) The Early Midgame – Levels 11-21.
f) The Late Midgame - Levels 22-40.
g) The Lategame - Levels 41-60.
h) After the Level Cap - High-level content after level 60.
i) Glossary of terms

Sections g and h will be written once I have experience of those points in the game. Until then, this is a guide from levels 1-40 only. This is a PvE guide. Nothing against PvP, but I’m not writing for that.

Sections will be posted as follow-ups to this message.

Messages In This Thread
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:35 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:39 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:40 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:42 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:43 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:45 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:47 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:49 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:53 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 07:57 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 08:00 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 08:02 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 08:02 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 08:04 PM
A Guide to Mages - by Skandranon - 12-21-2004, 08:04 PM
A Guide to Mages - by niz - 09-26-2006, 09:11 PM

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