Distress call
Hello Lurkers

First of all, if this is not an appropriate post, I apologize.
It's just, I'm in a huge crisis and this is part of my virtual scream of anguish. :/

My Soulmate, SO, after 8 years of being together, 7 of which we lived together, has dumped me today. I realize my faults in the relationship, but mostly it is, or at least I feel so, a rather irrational decision made regardledd of my failings.
We've had crises before, but this time I know it is final

The problem is, that I still very much love the person, and the pain I'm going through is horrible.
I'm currently rather desperate, grasping at straws (and couple real life friends who have surprised me with the strength of their support) to cope. Coping is very hard for me because other problems, namely chronic depression, for which I will soon hopefully receive medication.

So here it is, my cry of pain to the LL community. Maybe it will help just a tiny little bit.

Messages In This Thread
Distress call - by Dani - 04-08-2003, 01:25 AM
Distress call - by Swarmalicious - 04-13-2003, 10:55 PM
Distress call - by Mithrandir - 04-14-2003, 12:03 AM

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